Scientist, strategist, author, lecturer or mediator – I take on different positions. But behind all these titles, I am the mother of a wonderful daughter and was allowed to be with the love of my life as a wife for over 15 years.
As a Brazilian by birth, I am the youngest of four daughters, enjoy spending time with my parents as often as possible, and have arrived in my adopted country – Switzerland – via detours, because of love. I have been living in Europe since 2004, including more than 5 years in Vienna, where I not only earned my doctorate. For over 25 years I have been working as an expert in the field of intercultural communication, diversity inclusion and crisis management for SMEs and large corporations – as an employee or independently on a mandate basis.
What is Mercury Brain?
Behind the company name “Mercury Brain” is a limited liability company, founded in Switzerland in 2019. After years of project management and development, research, implementation of projects, significant and recognised results and teaching in the field of social communication, in Brazil since 1996 and in Europe since 2004, this experience in public relations, crisis management, mediation and communication science serves Mercury Brain Gmbh.
The idea for Mercury Brain came from working with partners, clients, public relations colleagues, journalists and academics from different cultures and countries including Brazil, USA, Austria, Switzerland and Bosnia. My mission is to combine and share my practical and theoretical experiences and insights with those around me, to promote peace through dialogue and to change lives. The aim of my work is to reduce the potential for conflict in the workplace due to cultural and social differences.
This is why assignments are undertaken with companies – specifically for their managers, employees and other stakeholders, (such as government, press, clients) through which dialogue is promoted, skills in conflict prevention and management are developed with the approaches of intercultural communication, diversity theory and community building, and people are supported in becoming aware of diversity aspects and their communication skills.
Die brasilianische Art zu lächeln – Eine interkulturelle Reise in die Welt des Managements (German Edition) – 2023
Die Vorbereitung auf eine interkulturelle Begegnung erfordert mitunter die Fähigkeit, effektiv mit kulturellen Unterschieden zu arbeiten. Kultur und Dialog sind dabei die Hauptwerkzeuge für eine effektive und freudige Zusammenarbeit.
Interkulturelle Mehrwerte für Firmen und Organisationen
Die Verständigung zwischen verschiedenen Kulturen kann zu Missverständnissen und Konflikten führen. Doch wie funktioniert der Aufbau von binationalen Beziehungen auf der individuellen Ebene? Wie lassen sich die Potentiale multikultureller Teams in der Führung und der Zusammenarbeit nutzen? Die Geschichten in diesem Buch schaffen Mehrwerte für Individuen, Teams und die Unternehmung insgesamt!
Die Geschichten aus dem interkulturellen Berufsalltag berühren, inspirieren und sensibilisieren. Das Buch wendet sich an Leader, Manager, Teamleiter, Führungskräfte und an alle, die besser kommunizieren möchten.
Media Pedagogy and society development: The influence of cultural projects on community self-organisation and communication structures (German Edition)
VS Publishing House for the Social Sciences
Media pedagogy and society development: The influence of cultural projects on community self-organisation and communication structures (German Edition)
VS Publishing House for the Social Sciences
Audio podcast

Home office: Conflict-free for employees and managers
SKWM Schweizer Kammer für Wirtschaftsmediation